< N-Hub 1st 3-Month Staking Unlock Notice >. "Everything you want. Do it All.

29 Jun 2022, 04:09
< N-Hub 1st 3-Month Staking Unlock Notice > "Everything you want? Do it All!" A new world in which everything enjoyable becomes profitable! Hello. This is NvirWorld. 1st 3-month staking on N-Hub which took place on March 31st has matured. Principal and interest will be given as follows. 📅 Principal and interest payment date : 2022-06-29 ※ Principal and interest will be given to N-Hub wallet with which you have participated in the staking. ❓How can I calculate the interest? 25% APR is applied and prorated to 90 days. (Interest) = (Principal) * 90/365 (days) * 25% ‼️Interest is rounded up at the 3rd decimal place and paid up to the 2nd decimal place. e.g.) When the staked amount is 10,000 NVIR, 10,000 * (90/365) * 0.25 = 616.4383 → the interest rounded up is 616.44 NVIR NvirWorld promises to build the ideal digital world that truly coexists with users. Thank you.