< (N-Hub) Log in Announcement >. "Everything you want. Do it All. A new world in which everything enjoyable becomes profitable.

11 Apr 2022, 02:26
< (N-Hub) Log in Announcement > "Everything you want? Do it All!" A new world in which everything enjoyable becomes profitable! Hello, This is NvirWorld. Please be reminded that users must log into N-Hub platform at least once a day in order for stay-pending to be processed. Users who wish to deposit or withdraw from their balance or who participated in Staking, Please log into the N-Hub platform for a smooth stay-pending process. You must insert your security key and finish logging in For those who participated in staking, you must log in at least once Not necessary if you don't have any previous transaction history (deposit/withdrawal or staking) NvirWorld promises to create the digital economy ecosystem that truly co-exists with users by establishing the user-oriented DeFi and digital asset economic system. Also, we are limiting any influencers/youtubers from entering our community. Please understand that it was decided due to an unsavory case earlier. Thank you.