NvirWorld Community Guide. We'd like to announce a community guide. to encourage the sound and instructive communication.

02 Nov 2022, 08:48
📢 NvirWorld Community Guide We’d like to announce a community guide to encourage the sound and instructive communication and to stabilize and revitalize the community. If any behavior stated below is spotted, the abuser will be removed from the server. We’d like to ask your cooperation to stick to the guide to build the better community environment. 1. Mentioning other coins and projects (including its promotion) 2. Mentioning your average buy price of NVIR and NVIR price in general 3. Spreading damage to the value of NVIR and NvirWorld (including negative predictive remarks) 4. Indiscreetly criticising or slandering NvirWorld's operating policy 5. Spreading FUD and negativity and agreeing to them 6. Spreading groundless false information 7. Using aggressive remarks, slander, and verbal abuse towards others 8. Disclosing personal information 9. Mentioning prohibited words (ex. scam, rug pull, fraud, price pump, hired promoters, trading bots) 10. Doing actions that NvirWorld’s administrator and moderators find to cause conflict 11. Sharing misleading remarks and incorrect information and doing coin analysis/informational posts 12. Participating in the event with unfair deeds and spamming the server without conversing with others 13. Mentioning personal inquiries to NvirWorld ※ You may be banned from the community after NvirWorld’s investigation when you’re reported by multiple users. ※ If you have any inquiries, please contact the moderator or send it to NvirWorld’s official e-mail at nvirworld.global@gmail.com. ※ Inquiries of which answers can be found in announcements may not be answered.